Why Do We Need to Learn Softskill?

5/15/2015 03:47:00 pm

Honestly, I just simply wanna share my english class assignments here. Yes, as you can see from the title, it's an essay about how important softskill can be in our life, esp daily and job life. So here is it. Pardon my grammar or other mistakes. Enjoy! :)

Why Do We Need to Learn Soft skill?

What is one of the most important skill a person should have in order to success in their job life? The answer is soft skill. Nowadays, to be success in job life, you will not only need a hard skill, like a proficiency in foreign language, a degree or certificate, typing speed, the ability to operate computer, etc., but also soft skill, which is related to Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ), like emotional control, the ability to interact and cooperate with others, also time management. Soft skill can show your personal quality. Moreover, soft skill will enhance the hard skill that you have.
None can deny that in job life, hard skill is very important. However, hard skill without soft skill will be nothing. Let’s talk a job that can show you how important soft skill is. Just imagine, there are many banks in Indonesia. Some of them sell the same product which has equal qualities. One day, one staff of bank A, B, C, and D should do presentation for a foreign company in order for winning payroll tender. Bank A, Bank B, Bank C, and Bank D are well-known bank in Indonesia. They have good products and good services. They also have received many achievement. So, which bank the company will choose then? Considering the quality of those bank, it will be hard for the company to choose. In this situation, soft skill is needed. As mention above, soft skill is related to Emotional Intelligence Quotient. It is like how you can interact others and attract them. You should show the selling point uniquely, so the people around you will be affected in everything you say. You can persuade them nicely to choose your bank’s product. Usually, people tend to choose your product if you can attract them by doing something different, also if you have a great manner while offering that.
Moreover, soft skill is not only needed when you have to face your clients or customers. It also needed when you are around your colleagues, company mates, and of course your boss. The better your behavior and attitudes toward them, the better relationship you will get with them. Also, you will have more chance to be promoted when you have good relationship in everyone at your office. By having soft skill, you have a good value, both in job life and your daily life. That is why we need to learn soft skill.
Too bad, soft skill is not something we can get in one day. It takes times and needs a lot of practices to build ourselves into a person who has a great soft skill. However, the good news is we can also learn and improve our soft skill, like we learn the hard skill. First thing we should do is trying to develop our communication skills. We can start to do it by simply being aware of the condition of people who talking to us. We should notice if our interlocutor is sad, happy, or etc. If he/she is happy, we should support; if she/he is sad, we should try to give empathy. Then, do not forget to make an eye-contact, and use an appropriate body language. The second is practicing active listening skills. This is so important because listening requires focus and self-discipline. Some people fail in their job because they do not want to listen, whether that is listening to the instruction or suggestion. The ability of listening is also needed to show that we have the empathy. The third, we have to build relationship with our peers, boss, clients, and business partners by simply greet them when they get to work, learn to manage conflict in healthy way, and build network with people inside and outside your organization. Fourth, practice leading and influencing other people by observe your own supervisor and note how that person leads your team, practice leading in small group discussions, and set your positive attitude in difficult situation as example for the others. Last, take your initiative. Demonstrating responsibility and enthusiasm for your job by starts finishing work without constant reminders from your supervisor.

It is clear enough that soft skill is needed in job life. For many cases in job life, most of them happened because of the lack of soft skill. To prevent that, we must learn and improve our soft skill by simply doing small good things. Your job life depends on it.

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